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【全英語卓越教學中心】112-2學期 培力英檢全程到考抽獎結果

*首先感謝各位全程出席112-2學期培力英檢四項能力考試的同學們。本中心已於113611日星期二下午4點公開抽獎,得獎名單如圖檔 (可另存新檔後點開看大圖)。

*請得獎的同學們攜帶學生證以及身分證(獲得一獎與二獎的同學需要同時出示學生證與身分證,其餘獎項一律出示學生證即可。),於即日起至11375(五) 17:00前,至圖資大樓10樓西灣學院辦公室找全英語卓越教學中心的屠士豪先生或高學紹先生領取獎項。

*若得獎同學未於指定截止期限 <11375(五) 17:00前> 前領獎,全英語卓越教學中心得取消其獲獎資格。且未領取之獎品將作為【四項達B2考生抽獎】的獎項使用。



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【全英語卓越教學中心】5/29(三) English Club 活動場地限制開放公告

【5/29 (三) 11:30~13:30】
【圖資10樓 西灣廣場】

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【全英語卓越教學中心】Writing enhancement sessionLeap Write In 證書領取通知


恭喜有成功獲得【Writing Enhancement Session】以及【Leap Write In】課程證書的同學,我們已經有email給符合資格的同學領取證書囉!??





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In order to respond to and support the government's active promotion of bilingual education policies, cultivate outstanding bilingual talents, and bring the world to Taiwan, National Sun Yat-sen University plans and promotes the school's all-English and all-English general courses, and coordinates various units to handle related teaching matters. After careful evaluation of the school's unique environment, high-quality teacher lineup and strong administrative team, it is indeed feasible. The West Bay College All-English Teaching Excellence Center was officially established in the first semester of the 2011 academic year.

Core value

The value of the West Bay College All-English Teaching Excellence Center lies in using the school's unique environment and strong administrative organization to integrate an excellent teaching team to create lively teaching materials and teaching methods to stimulate confidence and interest in learning.


The West Bay College All-English Teaching Excellence Center aims to provide students with high-quality general education learning experience, support teachers in achieving excellent and innovative teaching, assist teachers in achieving established teaching goals, and strengthen partnerships among various units within the school to create a vibrant, A learning environment and experience that combines knowledge with learning.

Teaching objectives

● Establish a natural, diverse, and inclusive all-English teaching and learning environment.

● Strengthen students' academic knowledge and literacy, and improve their English ability and communication skills.

● Assist teachers to improve their teaching and promote the sharing of teaching concepts, innovations, strategies and resources among teachers to improve student learning effects.

● Establish a flexible, knowledgeable and vigorous teacher-student community and a teacher-student knowledge exchange platform to improve students' learning interest and effectiveness, and provide quality services to students, universities and communities.