【Provided by Xiwan College】The National Sun Yat-sen University's Center for Excellence in English Instruction (CEEI) collaborated with the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of International Affairs of National Sun Yat-sen University to organize the "2022 National High School English Speech Contest" for the current academic year. Themed "Taiwan-U.S. Co-Creation for Sustainable Development," the contest aims to promote bilingual education while fostering sustainable development education among Taiwanese high school students. Participants were invited to contemplate how Taiwan and the United States can collaborate in creating a sustainable future through economics, culture, education, and other avenues.

Mr. Guo Zhiwen, Vice President of National Sun Yat-sen University, pointed out that Taiwan has become an important partner for the United States in trade and investment, semiconductor and other key supply chains, science and technology, health, education, and democratic values. Through continuous dialogue and exchange of ideas, Taiwan and the United States can jointly construct a mutually supportive international community. This event provides a platform for the younger generation to discuss how the United States and Taiwan can establish a vision for sustainable development. Mr. Jeremy Cornforth, Deputy Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, welcomed this year's theme, "The United States and Taiwan: Building a Vision for Sustainable Development." He believes that the United States is committed to building a secure, resilient, prosperous, and innovative future with all of its partners in Taiwan based on shared values, while Taiwan contributes its leadership and expertise regionally and globally. He particularly praised all participants for demonstrating the courage to embrace challenges through participating in English speech contests, stating that the ability to communicate effectively in a global language is an important step towards a world full of educational and economic opportunities.

The preliminary round of the "2022 National High School English Speech Contest" required participants to submit 1-minute videos related to Taiwan-U.S. co-creation for sustainable development, which were evaluated by a panel of judges. The final round consisted of impromptu speeches on selected topics and a 2-minute Q&A session with the judges, ultimately selecting the top three contestants. Additionally, awards for the best content and the most witty presentation were given based on the participants' speech performances. Contestants put forth their best efforts, resulting in intense competition. A "Best Popularity Award" was also established for the event, with live broadcasting of the final round and continuous online messages of support from viewers, adding a heartwarming atmosphere to the tension.

Huang Yizhen, a student from Dawn Senior High School in Tainan City, who won the individual category, mentioned feeling initially nervous as participants from all over the country seemed formidable. However, she found the judges approachable and even interactive, which helped her relax and feel honored to win. Chen Yijie from Pumen Senior High School in Kaohsiung City, who won the award for the best content in the group category, expressed that although the topics covered international current affairs, culture, politics, economics, and other aspects, which were somewhat challenging for high school students, she was thrilled that the content she prepared was favored by the judges. She also added her interest in the English Club activities at National Sun Yat-sen University, stating, "If schools can teach English in this way, it would be very helpful for everyone's learning."

Dr. Li Xianglan, Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in English Instruction at National Sun Yat-sen University, expressed great satisfaction with the participants' creative thinking on how Taiwan and the United States can establish sustainable development in various aspects such as technology, trade, healthcare, education, culture, and language. Through this competition, intelligent dialogues were conducted, innovative thinking was shared, and English was utilized to broaden horizons. Dr. Julius Tsai, Head of the Cultural News Group at the American Institute in Taiwan's Kaohsiung Branch and one of the judges of the competition, commented on the astonishing performance of the high school students, stating that he absorbed many proposals from students regarding cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the United States and international cooperation through this competition. This also conveyed a strong belief in "Taiwan can help," looking forward to the growth of future students, and striving together for relationships between society and the country.

In addition to the competition, a special arrangement was made for high school students to observe the unique English Club activities at National Sun Yat-sen University, led by three foreign teachers, allowing them to naturally use English in games. The event also invited on-site teachers, students, participants, and parents to join in the interaction, creating a lively atmosphere and showcasing the achievements of National Sun Yat-sen University's long-term efforts in creative English teaching. This event also embodied the spirit of sustainable development, as all event banners were transformed into drink cup sleeves after the competition, promoting the spirit of the twelfth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), "Responsible Consumption and Production," through practical actions of recycling and reusing.

Assistant Professor Chen Ruihua, Convener of the International Salon of the Center for Excellence in English Instruction at National Sun Yat-sen University and Convener of the Activity Preparation Committee, explained that the center continues to offer various creative English learning courses and activities, providing lively and diverse bilingual resources and environments, breaking away from rote learning frameworks. The effectiveness of these efforts has been evident in recent years. It is hoped that high school students will join the National Sun Yat-sen University family in the future to grow and learn together.

(Public Affairs Department Editing)