In order to actively enhance students' English writing abilities, the All-English Excellence Teaching Center of Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College organized the "2022 National Sun Yat-sen University Campus English Writing Competition". The competition, featuring a "Picture Storytelling" format, aimed to encourage students to participate by incorporating unique campus experiences with macaque monkeys, adding educational significance and fun to daily life at Xiwai. The response from students exceeded expectations, with enthusiastic participation.

Differing from traditional, rigid writing competition formats, this competition adopted a "Picture Storytelling" approach, with the theme revolving around macaque culture. Many participating students smiled knowingly upon uncovering the theme, expressing their unique experiences at the "Monkey University". The first-place winner, Zhang Tiansong from the Department of Management, creatively portrayed the clever response of monkeys to the competition's image prompt. Originally intending to "snatch food" by jumping onto students' backs, the monkeys were disappointed to find nothing. However, they quickly had a bright idea and decided to view their classmates as "public transportation", hitching a free ride to their next target. Zhang Tiansong humorously narrated the thrilling encounters between Sun Yat-sen University students and monkeys, concluding with an appeal for everyone to maintain a safe distance from the monkeys and refrain from feeding them. Through education, he emphasized, we can learn to respect each other's way of life.

Zhong Minhui from the Department of Electrical Engineering achieved second place, admitting that she initially participated in the competition with the mindset of earning extra credit for her English class and helping out her peers, without any special preparation. Third-place winner, Teng Yuqing from the Department of Sociology, felt deeply honored that her work received recognition from the judges, expressing surprise at her high ranking. "This competition has motivated students to improve their English writing skills and broaden their international perspectives," she said, thanking the organizers for providing the opportunity to showcase her abilities.

Assistant Professor Zhuang Jiaxiong, one of the organizers of the English writing competition and a faculty member at Xiwai College of Sun Yat-sen University, believes that English writing not only hones students' English expression abilities but also strengthens their logical thinking skills. By choosing the theme of "Interaction between People and Taiwan Macaques," he aimed to allow participants to draw from their own experiences, eliminating the need to search for inspiration. Additionally, he hoped that by selecting a topic closely related to campus life, the competition could alleviate participants' nervousness, thereby reducing the psychological distance between students and English. He noted that through the competition, one could see students' insights into the "ways of survival" with the macaques on campus, showcasing the unique lifestyle of Sun Yat-sen University and adding an element of fun.

Sun Yat-sen University places a strong emphasis on cultivating English language proficiency. Xie Dongyou, Vice Dean of Sun Yat-sen University, and Ou Shuzhen, Director of the Center for Educational Development and Resources, encouraged students to enhance themselves. Professor Li Xianglan, Executive Director of the All-English Excellence Teaching Center at Xiwai College of Sun Yat-sen University, stated that since its establishment, the center has continuously organized innovative English activities, committed to creating a comfortable learning environment. These efforts enable students to accept English under stress-free conditions and effectively utilize related skills, thus aligning with international standards. Events such as last year's Xiwai Treasure Hunt and this year's International Youth Forum, as well as the current English writing competition, have received acclaim from various quarters. The enthusiastic participation of students serves as great encouragement for the center. Professor Li Xianglan expressed hope that in the future, more interesting teaching methods could be provided to facilitate students' growth. She also reminded students that in addition to organizing regular activities, the center also offers resources for conversation, writing, and academic consultations, which students can make good use of to improve their English skills.