Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College, through its All-English Excellence Teaching Center, organized an English real-life puzzle game inspired by "Harry Potter." The game featured various science-related puzzles, attracting 120 students from Sun Yat-sen University and Naval Academy to participate, facilitating cross-school exchanges. Through this activity, students gained a deeper understanding that English is not just a subject but also an important communication tool, further expanding the application scenarios of English learning beyond the confines of the classroom.

Lai Yipeng, Deputy Director of the All-English Excellence Teaching Center at Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College, stated that this activity enriched students' extracurricular lives and demonstrated the innovation and practicality of English teaching. Shi Yongyan, Director of the Department of Applied Science at the Naval Academy, highly praised the activity, stating that it increased students' motivation to learn English and fostered teamwork spirit. Moreover, the integration of science and literary elements in this activity provided an opportunity for students from military schools and traditional universities to communicate, which is of significant educational value.

The English real-life puzzle game was organized into teams of 4 or 5 people, with each team assigned to one of the four Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Students had to use English to complete various puzzles and earn points or treasures, with the team accumulating the highest score winning. To enhance teamwork spirit, the game incorporated a Hogwarts house competition system, allowing each team to earn points for their respective houses. All game puzzles were presented in both Chinese and English, requiring game masters to interact with participants in English. Game masters received training two weeks before the game and practiced English situational dialogues for each task. Through this opportunity, students serving as game masters expressed increased confidence in speaking English.

Participating students expressed that the activity not only liberated them from the confines of traditional classroom learning but also made the process of interacting and competing with other students enjoyable, enriching their learning experience. Lin Yijing from the Naval Academy Class of 115 stated that through the English real-life puzzle game, she met students from the United States, Japan, and South Korea, learning different accents, vocabulary, and cultures, which broadened her horizons, improved her English proficiency, and reduced her anxiety about speaking English. Fu Peiyu from the Naval Academy Class of 114 also noted that although each level of the game was conducted in English, making it more challenging to pass, Sun Yat-sen University students enthusiastically assisted her, enabling her to successfully complete each level and experience the vitality of teamwork.

Chen Ruihua, the convener of the Xiwai International Salon, emphasized that this activity was warmly welcomed by students, bringing more possibilities and potential to future education and learning. In future education, innovative teaching, interdisciplinary communication, and promoting students' comprehensive development will become increasingly important trends. Through such activities, students not only increase their opportunities to use English and practice speaking skills but also enhance teamwork and interdisciplinary communication abilities, laying a solid foundation for future development.

The successful organization of this event not only showcases the innovation, practicality, and resource integration capabilities of the All-English Excellence Teaching Center at Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College but also embodies the college's educational philosophy and unique charm, injecting new vitality and motivation into students' English learning and overall development.