In order to equip elementary school students with the essential communication tool of English at an early age, the All-English Excellence Teaching Center at Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College, in collaboration with Sanmin Elementary School in Kaohsiung, launched the "Playing Board Games in English" bilingual weekend club activities. Led by Sun Yat-sen University students and international students, the activities aimed to create a fun learning environment through games, resulting in significant improvements in English learning.

Inside the classroom, the sounds of laughter and English conversations among students were heard, and after the games, students and foreign teachers enjoyed sports activities such as tennis and basketball on the red clay and rain-covered courts, experiencing a fulfilling and energizing weekend morning. The "Playing Board Games in English" bilingual weekend club activities were led by Professor Chen Ruihua of the All-English Excellence Teaching Center at Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College, who selected several enthusiastic and experienced foreign doctoral and master's students for the activities. Specifically, students from various European countries were arranged to lead the activities, allowing students to experience different cultures and diverse gaming atmospheres. In addition to foreign students, Sun Yat-sen University students and students from the international department of Yida International High School also served as teaching assistants each week. After participating in several activities, Professor Chen Ruihua found that students naturally spoke English during the board game competitions, completely forgetting their anxiety about speaking English, achieving good learning outcomes through enjoyable learning, and hoping to attract more children or schools to participate in the future.

Xiao Shu-shan, director of the Sanmin Elementary School Office of Academic Affairs, mentioned that in order to achieve the goals of the "2030 Bilingual Nation" policy and provide high-quality and free comprehensive English learning resources, they collaborated with Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College to launch the "Bilingual Board Games" club. By offering board game courses that students are interested in, they aimed to strengthen students' English listening and speaking skills through immersive teaching activities with foreign teachers. Through contact with foreign teachers and life experiences, students could expand their understanding of the world, and more importantly, learn and apply language in their lives, thereby broadening their horizons.

Principal Zhang Hongren of Sanmin Elementary School was very honored to have the opportunity to cooperate with Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College for the first time, organizing the bilingual board game club activities in a relaxed and casual manner on weekends. After several weeks of observation, it was found that foreign teachers were humorous and witty, guiding children to speak English naturally through life-like interactions during game activities, creating a lifelike English learning environment. It was a unique new experience that the children loved, unknowingly boosting their confidence and willingness to speak with foreigners, opening up different perspectives. Looking ahead, it is hoped that such course activities can be expanded to allow more children to participate and benefit.

Li Xianglan, Executive Director of the All-English Excellence Teaching Center at Sun Yat-sen University's Xiwai College, stated that Sun Yat-sen University is a key training institution for the Ministry of Education's "Bilingual Learning Program for College Students." The center is committed to planning all-English courses, providing diverse bilingual learning resources, and organizing creative activities to enhance students' motivation and efficiency in learning English, with significant results in recent years. She is pleased to have the opportunity to extend the center's experience to elementary schools and hopes that elementary school children can be motivated to learn English through games.